Sunday, December 4, 2011

What about fruit promote weight loss? Will a healthy diet and eating a lot of fruit help weight loss?

What about fruit promote weight loss? Will a healthy diet and eating a lot of fruit help weight loss?

I eat 3 meals a day but I eat A LOT of fruit instead of snacks. I pick at apples, bananas, grapes and other fruits all day long. Can this simply help me lose weight? What is fruit helps the weight loss process?

Can I lose weight by exercising and drinking only water without a restricting diet?

Can I lose weight by exercising and drinking only water without a restricting diet?
I want to lose about 30-40lbs but I don't want to do a restricting diet only to gain the weight back as soon as I reach my goal weight and stop dieting. Right now I eat between 1700-2100 calories per day and I use the elliptical machine for 35 minutes daily. For fluid intake, I am only drinking water. Can I still lose weight this way?

How can I lose weight without losing my breasts?

Id like to reach my goal weight. I've been known to lose weight really fast and work hard for it but everytime I start to lose it I notice that I lose my breasts! For the most part....So I gained some weight back and I don't like it and want to lose it but I have my old bust back!Any way I can lose the weight and keep my boobs lol?

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.

How to lose weight being a vegetarian and a teen?

How to lose weight being a vegetarian and a teen?
I'm 14 years old 5'1'' and 145 pounds. I'm trying to find ways to lose weight being a vegetarian. Almost everything I look at ( what your supposed to eat, recipes etc.) says to eat meat/fish at least once a day for protein to help you lose weight. Can someone please give me things to eat everyday being a vegetarian and exercises to do to help me lose weight?

It sounds strange, but some people have reported that they lost more weight when they drank black coffee before a workout. While there’s no hard data to support this, nutritionists speculate that the caffeine in coffee makes the body rely more on fat for fuel during the work out. It’s worth trying!

How much weight will I lose if I start to jog and do weight watchers?

How much weight will I lose if I start to jog and do weight watchers?
I want to lose weight but I am not all about that diet pill stuff. I tried weight watchers before but I was really busy with getting things ready for my wedding that it was the last thing on my mind to eat right.If I do weight watchers and run/gym how much weight do you think I would lose in about 2 weeks?

everyone body is different. Remember too if you decide to exercise you have to use your activity points calculator to determine how many extra points you get for the day. But everyone's body loses weight at a different rate. Someone who jogs everyday while on weight watchers for two weeks could lose 5 lbs where are someone else could lose only 2. A bunch of different things factor into this including what you are eating everyday, how much activity you are doing, how fast your body reacts to exercise (some people need to exercise only days before seeing results while others need to exercise a month before seeing results) how fast your body gains muscle mass, how much water you are drinking, how much water your body retains after exercise and so on and do fourth so there is no way of knowing how much you will lose but cardio IS the best form of exercise for burning fat. Just make sure you are at least doing moderate exercising meaning you are pushing yourself but not too hard (just hard enough that you start to sweat after about 10-15 minutes) and doing at least a half hour of exercise each time.

Once you lose weight is it possible to get rid of the stretch marks ?

Once you lose weight is it possible to get rid of the stretch marks ?
Also can you still get like six-pack abs when you lose the weight ?My weight is 240lbs, and I am really trying to lose this weight. Also what types of workouts should I do to get rid of the weight, and then workouts to getting six pack abs ?

As you lose weight the stretch marks will go away naturally. Unless you have your weight surgically removed in which case I don't think the marks will go away. Do it the natural old way and lose it steadily with exercise and healthy diet and its possible. Any workouts work for getting rid of weight, maybe cardio would help.

How to lose weight fast and healthily?

How to lose weight fast and healthily?
I weigh 137 pounds and I really want to lose some weight, because I'm extremely embarrassed to go swimming. I know there's really no "fast" way to lose weight, but what can I do to lose weight? I always drink water instead of sugary drinks, and I do 100 sit-ups and ballet squats before I go to bed every night. Any other important tips and exercises I can do for great results? Oh and I want to lose fat on my stomach, hips, and I want to tone my legs.

Well, I'm also trying to loose weight and i weigh around the same weight as you are. People usually say to drink 6-8 cups of water.,,doing this will help you gain metabolism. And instead of doing exercise all at once you should do mini-workouts through out the day. Doing this is more healthier then doing excersise all at once.Also you should eat smaller proportions.One thing I like to do is..since im a couch potato..whenever there is a comercial break i like to do the mini-workouts. I hope this helps

What about fruit promote weight loss? Will a healthy diet and eating a lot of fruit help weight loss?

What about fruit promote weight loss? Will a healthy diet and eating a lot of fruit help weight loss?
I eat 3 meals a day but I eat A LOT of fruit instead of snacks. I pick at apples, bananas, grapes and other fruits all day long. Can this simply help me lose weight? What is fruit helps the weight loss process?

It is very important to take not only fruits but also veggies for weight loss and healthy leaving. keep doing it will see the results. i have placed a like i read about the importance of fruits and veggies for your weight loss. good luck . . . don't ever give up.